My husband chuckled at me yesterday when I told him I was “afraid' to walk into the local restaurant we picked for dinner. Yes, I was afraid, not terrified, but definitely uncomfortable. I suppose its because I fear being different, not doing things correctly and being regarded as another one of those stupid Americans that comes to the islands without respect of the culture and people who call this their home. Isn't it sad that this is what I think of my own people... that we would be seen as “stupid Americans.” I am sorry if I have offended anyone with that statement.
As I step out on this vacation trying new things, I have to make the choice to step through the fear I have because if I don't make that choice I will just end up sitting in my condo for the entire week watching the Home and Garden Channel, safe but perhaps not very smart.... now that is the definition of a stupid American!!! When I look into the truth behind the fear, I find the real problem is in the lack of knowledge and understanding of my surroundings. The real answer isn't to hide and it isn't to just “blend in” because if I were to do that I wouldn't actually learn anything. The only way to find peace in my steps is to humble myself and be willing to learn and absorb what this place has to offer.
Last week in one of my book studies, a topic of discussion was the fact that some people are afraid to embrace the life of a Christian because they are afraid others will view them as one of those Jesus Freaks or Religious Nut-bags. It's true that many of us Christians walk around in fear of the “Jesus Freak” tag... so much that the average person we come in contact with has no idea one way or another where we stand. In other words, we blend in to society as to not stand out... our goal is to fly under the radar for as long as possible yet still be able to say to God... “take me to heaven with you – I am a Christian!”
I would be lying if I told you I don't have the same fear... in fact... I tagged myself with the title “Jesus Freak” on Facebook just so no one else could do it for me. I am a fairly open Christian but the fear is still with me. I fear that I won't get chance to really get to know a person because they will be afraid of my Christianity, meaning they will think I am a hypocritical, judgmental dirt-bag (the Christian version of Stupid American). I'm not saying we should all just run out there and start shouting “Hey... I'm a believer in Christ!!!!” but what I am saying is that maybe we shouldn't be so afraid live like we believe in Christ. Jesus told us to love others the way He has loved us... in that simple action we can show the world what Christianity is without saying a word. Trust me, people will notice.
On the not-so-silent side... a teacher of mine once got me thinking about this... does the world, the people I come in contact with, the people I see on a daily basis, do they know what sports team I like???? Yes. How do they know that? Well, I wear it. Not only physically but mentally. I have dozens of t-shirts that say “Green Bay Packers.” My language and conversations reflect and acknowledge them as a team I follow. For goodness sake, I even named my son Brett after the great Mr. Favre... if that doesn't say “fan” I don't know what does. So why then shouldn't I wear my Christianity the same way? Why shouldn't I show the world that I am a fan of Jesus Christ? I really liked this analogy a lot. So much that I decided to be more purposeful in my physical and mental actions to show Christ's love. I have some really cute Christian t-shirts that I wear proudly and I do my best to speak of my beliefs when it fits... instead of just doing my best to blend in.
After all, what good does being a Christian do if I just keep it all to myself? I don't want to blend in so well that no one sees the difference Christ has made in my life. That would be like paying thousands of dollars to sit in a Cayman Islands condo just to watch the Home and Garden Channel (stupid American). Well, I've got to go put on my “Sin Stinks” t-shirt and take in some snorkling at Rum Point! See ya later!!!!
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