I am thankful that my experiences in sobriety have led me to a better awareness of my reactions. In both “attacks” this week, I paused before reacting. In both cases, the pause gave me time to come up with a myriad of reasons why the perceived “attack” on me might have occurred. In the end, the reason really doesn’t matter. What matters is how I handle it. What matters is that I act in love and in respect to God and all His loved sons and daughters, for they are all dear to Him… even when they purposely (or inadvertently) hurt me, His favorite (just kidding).
We’ve all heard people say, “What would Jesus do?” I’ve asked myself that question a lot in the last few years. Pondering what the actions of the Christ would be in any given situation helps me think things through. Of course, I don’t think I’m ever really able to actually do what Jesus would do. I always imagine He would have some great one-liner that would solve everything perfectly. He would be able to act in perfect love and use words that dripped directly from God’s mouth in a way that all who heard would bow and say, “You are so right, how could I have ever doubted you Lord? How could I have ever been so mean? Can you forgive me?”
As I was talking over the second “attack” of the week with a trusted friend, it occurred to me that, generally speaking, my perception of what Jesus would do might be a little bit off. Of course, Jesus knew the right thing to say in every situation. He was one with God so the right words just poured from His mouth without problem. What I think I might not have considered was that just because the right words were spoken, it didn’t mean those words were actually heard or accepted. I got a new flash in my head of what it might have been like for Jesus in one of those tense moments…
There He was trying to warn people of the plots of the devil. He was telling them to beware of the enemy, that God is the only answer and someone mouths off saying they don’t believe in the devil or in the idea of the enemy. Jesus comes back with the perfect answer… an answer right from the lips of God that makes total sense. There is a moment of silence that is followed by the same doubter saying, “Whatever buddy. I think it’s all in your head you nut-ball!” I see Jesus smiling with perfect patience and confidence. He walks away not hurt, not bothered, not moved in the least. He walks away without incident. He has no need to argue or “make” this person who thinks they have it all figured out believe Him. He knows there is a time and place for everything. After all, He knows He is right because He is God and God knows everything… period.
I always just assumed Jesus spoke… and people listened, end of problem. I translated that into something personal for myself that if I did what I thought Jesus would do… I would be listened to and every problem would easily be resolved with a friendly smile. Today I feel like such a dummy… HELLO!!! Jesus was CRUCIFIED…. I guess that means there were lots and lots of people who didn’t believe a word He said… yet… He was speaking the truth. And, He was God… if He couldn’t resolve things by using God’s perfect wording then what chance does a sinner like me, who isn’t anywhere near as close to God as I should be, have of being able to get through life without hurt, problem or incident.
I feel enlightened. I realize today that trying to deal with situations by pondering the question, “What would Jesus do?” isn’t about being right, or believed, or heard or even finding resolution without conflict… it’s about putting faith into action so I can trust the perfect Father in everything I do regardless of the outcome. In fact, He never promised me it would be an easy road without pain.
I’ve been meditating on a particular scripture this week and I think God has been testing my mettle… for when I am weak… He is strong.
"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
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