Part of that prayer is this… “Lord, please protect me from my three worst enemies…”
That little bugger is everywhere don’t you know??? Notice the small letter s I used in his name? Well, some people use an uppercase (just like with God) but not me… I don’t think he deserves an uppercase letter. If I could give him an even smaller case s… I would. I read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis that really helped me recognize the ways the devil and his minions get at us everyday. I really need to re-read that one but I loaned it out and it hasn’t been returned to me yet. Even that could have been a plot of the bastard. He knows we aren’t likely to go buy another copy of the same book even if we need it. Our human nature tells us to sit back and wait for the return instead of “wasting” money that was already spent. Well, I’m going to go buy another one today, because I’m not going to wait. We all know I will never see that book again.
That crafty fellow, satan, can make us truly believe he is a spirit who wants what’s best for us. He can trick us into thinking we are doing God’s will. He tricks us into thinking, we are hearing God. As I look back at the things I’ve allowed myself to fall for with regard to satan, I see a pattern. I have fallen for his antics because they closely resemble what I want. When given a choice between what I want and something else… hmmm guess what I am most likely to pick. I recently fell for a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” that really threw me for a loop and ultimately reminded me that I must ALWAYS be on the lookout for the devil’s schemes. The minions will use whatever they can to get to me. They will even use the church or my desire to do good in God’s name.
I enjoy talking “at” the minions. I believe the quickest way to get them to flee is to make fun of them. They simply cannot handle it when we make them aware we are onto them so they run off with their stubby tails between their legs quickly. My son probably thinks I’m crazy at times when he hears me talk to them out-loud but that’s ok… I hope he will learn to do it too. I actually try to convert them too, which is really funny. I wonder if there is a special place in heaven for people who get demons to convert to Christianity (that was a joke). Just in case you are wondering what one of those soliloquies might sound like… here is a little example. You must imagine it oozing with sarcasm.
“Hey idiot, I know you’re there and I know exactly what you’re up to. Guess what… it ain’t gonna work so you may as well just give it up today. Jesus is stronger than you and I happen to know He already kicked your ass. You must be really proud of yourself. I mean, it must be really difficult to talk people into doing things they already want to do! Ha… what a hard job you have. Huh, maybe you’re kinda slow though and need an easy job. Well, if you ever decide you want a more challenging position, one with better pay… all you have to do is flip sides. There’s lots of hard work to be done so you may not be up for it, I know what a lazy, useless, underpaid, bore you are.”
As much as I enjoy making fun of those little minions, I have to admit – they are getting through to a lot of us and helping us make some really bad decisions. And it’s mainstream stuff… just last night I was watching a television show called “Gary Unmarried” which is a fairly new primetime comedy starring Jay Mohr. I like it, one because I’m a Jay Mohr fan and two because it makes me laugh. Laughter is required in my life, and television is one of the main ways I find laughter. In the episode I was watching, the main character was coming home from a date. He quite wittily said to her, “Isn’t there some 3rd date law that we’ve missed out on - this is our 4th date you know and you haven’t seen my bedroom yet.” The laugh track come on and I laughed for a nanosecond and then it hit me like a ton of bricks… it is NOT funny that television is so openly telling society that everyone should have sex on their 3rd date. I didn’t really hear the rest of the show… because I was thinking about how used I would have been had I decided to have sex with every man I went out on 3 dates with. How disgusting!
Society tells us so many of the things that are against God’s will are just fine. In fact, society goes a step further and tells us that not only are those things okay but, if we choose to live a God-driven life, we are choosing a life trapped in Boringtown. Well, let me tell you… I do my best to live for God (fail everyday but at least I’m still on the journey) and my life is anything but boring!!!! Remember that guy I talked about in the section before this one, satan… he makes sure life ain’t boring. In many ways it would be much easier to live a life without God; I could do whatever I wanted to do with no regard for others and the devil wouldn’t be at me to screw up. That sounds like a life without challenges; that sounds boring to me. But society just flips it all around and makes us believe lies. I believe society is the devil’s kingdom… if you want to know what hell is like… baby, you’re already living in a version of it.
Society wants to ignore God so badly that many of us know people who have become activists to remove God from anything and everything; school, the pledge, currency, television (so it’s okay to tell people to have sex on the 3rd date but it’s not okay to show the closing prayer at the democratic convention on tv… hmmmm). With sarcasm in my soul on this subject, I have often wanted to tell those people who are on a mission to delete God from all things societial, if they want to really do it right, they have some additional work to do. For example, there are thousands of phrases in the English language that are rooted in the Bible… time to start filtering your words people… if you want Him out… then take Him out. The biggest thing I’d say to them is this… no more using God’s name in vain. That’s right… no more, “Oh my God”, “Oh God”, “Jesus Christ”… you get the point. If we are going to take His positive name out of society, then let’s take His name, as it is used negatively, out of society as well.
I was invited to a party a few months ago. Before the party, my friend called me to make a request of me. My desire to be supportive to her social gathering fled as I listened to the words pour out of her mouth. She actually asked me if I would filter my personality at the party. She asked me not to talk about my church, my church work, my Christianity, God or Jesus at all. Well, let me tell you this first – I am not a Bible thumper… if you know me, you know how I am… I will use my experience which sometimes leads to scripture (if fitting) in my conversation with others but I do not see myself as a person who throws God in everyone’s face. I firmly believe that kindness is a better testimony of God than Bible thumping… anyway, I was very offended by my friend’s request. I don’t think she really knew what she was asking me to do. I guess she thinks the “God” thing is an act that I can just flip on and off at will when the truth is, the “God” thing is who I am. She was asking me to change who I am to fit in with her view of the way society should be. When it comes to my relationship with God, I’m not changing that for anyone! Sure, there are times when silence is much better suited to a situation, but as I said before, a smile and kindness is our best act of discipleship for God. As angry as I was, as much as I wanted to blow that party off, I figured there was no better place for me to be on that day. What better place to smile and be kind for God than in a room where I had been asked to delete God. He will be there… and I won’t even have to speak His name.
How many of us would have told our friend to go pound sand? How many of us would cancel our RSVP? I’m not patting myself on the back here, because the truth of the matter is this, I don’t want to go to the party. Satan doesn’t want me there either (he got my friend to call me for the purpose of trying to get me to bail out), and society surely doesn’t want me there… but guess what… God wants Wendy there. Trust me, Wendy wants to focus on self and say “screw you!!!! I ain’t coming! You hurt my feelings… who do you think you are telling me I need to change to be accepted by society…” blah blah blah… I say to myself SHUT UP, SUCK IT UP, and DO IT.
I am so naturally self involved that I can find a way to make everything about me. For example, right before my wedding a family member of mine got into a really bad car accident and wasn’t expected to survive. As a result, my wedding shower was canceled because people weren’t really in the mood to celebrate. At the time, I’d like to tell you that I understood but I’m not going to lie. I was extremely disappointed; mad really. Still even today I have some “unhealthy” feelings over my non-existent wedding shower (by the way, something very similar happened with my baby shower and I didn't get one of those either). I truly believed that I wasn’t important enough for people to decide to take a moment to celebrate with me. In the midst of the tragedy, I was completely selfish (FYI: my family member survived by the grace of God). Maybe that’s not the best example… but here are a few that might be a little more close to home:
If I ever sent what I perceived to be an important e-mail to someone, and I didn’t get an answer right away... I may have gotten myself all worked up thinking I’m not important. I’d get mad at my friend for not caring enough about me when the truth of the matter was that maybe my friend just wasn’t at her computer. If someone didn’t smile at me, I would assume it was because I had done something to upset them or maybe they just didn’t like me. I would think through everything I had ever done around that person just to try and figure out why they hated me. Defensive mode would hit and I’d say to myself, “well I never liked her anyway… so there,” sticking my tongue out like a big baby and vowing to never smile in her direction ever again. If someone didn’t say happy birthday to me, I would assume it was because they didn’t care enough about me to remember. In my mind I’d be so insignificant that I’m not even worthy of a simple birthday greeting in the elevator. I’d never even consider that maybe that person had other things on their mind. Perhaps their mother was ill or their dog died, or they might be worried about money… or how about this… maybe they hadn’t forgotten my birthday at all. Maybe they never even knew it was my birthday.
Here is the simple truth, we are all so wrapped up in our own little worlds that we don’t normally take the time to consider the battles of others. We take every little thing as a personal attack, even that guy that cut you off in traffic… he was just waiting there purposefully trying to tick you off.

Me, selfish? Ah… yah (read that again with a total valley girl tone there). Embarrassingly… terribly. If you don’t like this article, I am bound to think that maybe it’s because you don’t like me, even though it could be for a different reason altogether. Essentially, I believe every single one of us (that means you too) has an addiction that we cannot overcome no matter how hard we try… we are addicted to ourselves. With that in mind, I think the world would be a much better place if each and every one of us worked a 12 step program for this addiction. “Hello, my name is Wendy and I am a Wendy-aholic.” The root of nearly every problem I have in this life can be found by looking in the mirror while brushing my teeth…. no, not bad breath or cavities but me. To remind me of this, I have a mirror with two words written on it… “The Problem.”
Yes God, protect me from my three worst enemies… satan, society and myself. Give me discernment so that I may see each for what it truly is… for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever…. Amen.
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